For a while now, I have been buying the "Do It Yourself" magazine, it is one of Better Homes and Garden's "Special Interest Publications." They come out with one every season, so sadly, there are only 4 published per year. It is a great purchase though, lots of great ideas with detailed instructions! This weekend I bought the Spring issue and found such an awesome idea!!! It is perfect for Parents or for Teachers! I think it is a great way to make something special for your kids that lets you stay organized.
Sadly, I couldn't find any info on this project online so I am going to do my best in telling you about it. If you are interested in it, you may want to check out the magazine for yourself! This project is on page 34 (shown below.)
Now, to get to the point! They used TV Trays- you know the ones that hang on a stand but fold out to be used to eat off of from the couch. We have all used one at some point, I am sure! The idea is to re-purpose these as game stations for your kids while still being collapsible at the end of the day and go right back on the stand! They made each tray a different game or activity.
1) painted with Chalkboard paint to play tic tac toe or to just write and draw on!
2) By gluing down a lego base board, they created a Lego Table to fold out and build on, they even used a saw to drill holes for cups to go in to hold the Lego pieces.
3) Painted a checker board on the top of one for an easy access checker board game!
There are some other more involved designs for them as well that are featured in the magazine. I just love this idea!! You can even gets the kids involved in painting and designing the game boards, what a fun family project!
If you have older children, you could let them design and paint their own as a homework station to be used anywhere in the house, putting hooks on the side to hold pencil bags and other needs.
If you don't already have TV Trays that you don't mind changing up, they are really easy to find! I saw a set at the flea market this weekend. I am sure thrift stores and Goodwill sell them at times as well! The links below take you to some that are for sale on Craigslist.
RDU Area:
Charlotte Area:
Target also has a few sets on their
I think I may go ahead and purchase a set to save for the future, I don't want to forget this idea!!!
And another reminder, my giveaway ends this coming Sunday so if you haven't entered, it isn't too late! Enter